Submit your entry to The Official Pacemaker Rankings by completing this Submission form and send an audio-visual recording (or link to a file) of a complete performance of Pacemaker to Jenny Jackson for scrutiny and consideration.
Go to The Official Pacemaker Rankings to find out what the current target to beat is!
These Rules must be observed strictly in order for any performance to qualify in The Official Pacemaker Rankings. You must:
An audio-visual recording of your performance is required for scrutiny and consideration as proof of duration, and to ensure that all aspects stated in the Rules are adhered to. Send your file using a large file transfer site such as to or send a link to your file in a sharing site such as Dropbox. You will receive confirmation of receipt as soon as possible.
Please make sure that your video is no longer than 11 minutes (this includes any time necessary to set the alarm / stop the recording). The total performance should be no longer than 10 minutes. The performance begins when the performer starts the timer, and ends with the last right hand note of Bar 369. The alarm may sound after this but will not be included in the total duration of the performance.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form and sending me your video. When you are ready; press 'Submit' to send your Submission to The Official Pacemaker Rankings. I can't wait to watch your performance!
Look out for your name on the The Official Pacemaker Rankings on my website to see where you are ranked.
Best wishes,
Jenny Jackson